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The subject of alimentary toxaemia was discussed in London before the Royal Society of Medicine, by
fifty seven of the leading physicians of the UK. Among the speakers were eminent surgeons, physicians and specialists in the various branches of medicine.

This is a resume of the proceedings written in 1912-13, a 380 page Report which is on file at the Royal Society of Medicine library in London. Although this was some years ago, it is very relevant to the present time, and probably even more so. Since that time we have removed more nutrients from food, increased the chemical fertilizers and insecticides and started feeding antibiotics and hormones to our animal stocks, all of which has added more toxicity to the system.

The following is a list of the various poisons noted by the several speakers: Indol, skarol, phenol, cresol, indican, sulphurreted hydrogen, ammonia, histidine, urrobilin, methy1mercaptan, tetramerhy-lendiamin, pentamethy, lendiamine, putrescin, cadaverin, neurin, cholin, muscarline, butyric acid, bera-imidazzoiethy-lamine, methylgandinine, promarropine, botulin, tyramine, agamatine, tryptophane, sepsin, idolethylanline, sulpherroglobine.

Of the 36 poisons mentioned above, several are highly active, producing most profound effects and in very small quantities, and setting up charges which finally result in grave disease.

It should be understood that these findings are not mere theories, but are the results of demonstrations in actual practice by eminent physicians. Of course it is not claimed that elimentary toxaemia is the cause of all the symptoms and diseases named: Although of many it may be the sole or principal cause some of them are due to other causes as well. In the following summary the various symptoms and disorders mentioned in the discussion in London, to which reference has been made above, are grouped and classified.

Duodenal ulcer causing partial or complete obstruction of the duodenum; pyloric spasm; pyloric obstruction; distension and dilation of the stomach; gastric ulcer; cancer of the stomach; adhesions of the omentum to the stomach and liver; inflammation of the liver; cancer of the liver.

The muscular wall of the intestine as well as other muscles atrophy, so that the passage of their contents is hindered The abdominal viscera lose their normal relationship to the spine and to each other, on account of weakening of tile abdominal muscles; these displacements are much more marked and serious in women. Other conditions are: Catarrh of the intestines; foul gases and foul smelling stools; colitis; acute enteritis; appendicitis, acute and chronic; adhesions and 'kinks' of the intestines; visceroptosis; enlargement of spleen, distended abdomen; tenderness of the abdomen; summer diarrhoea of children; inflammation of pancreas; chronic dragging abdominal pains; gastritis; cancer of pancreas; inflammatory changes of gall bladder; cancer of gall bladder; gallstones; degeneration of liver; cirrhosis of liver; infection of the gums, and decay of the teeth; ulcers in the mouth and pharynx.

Wasting and weakening of the heart muscles; micorbic cyamosis from breaking up of blood cells; fatty degeneration of the heart; endocarditis; myocarditis; subnormal blood pressure; enlargement of the heart; the dilatation of the aorta; high blood pressure; arteriosclerosis; permanent dilation of arteries.

Headaches of various kinds - frontal, occipital, temporal, dull or intense, hemicrania; headache of a character to lead to a mistaken diagnosis of brain mmour. Dr Lane tells of a case where a surgeon had proposed an operation for the removal of a tumour from the frontal lobe of the brain; the difficulty was wholly removed by the exclusion of the colon. Acute neuralgia pains in the legs; neuritis; twitchillg of the eyes and of muscles of face, arms, legs etc. Lassitude; irritability; disturbances of nervous system, varying from simple headaches to absolute collapse; mental and physical depression. insomnia; troubled sleep, unpleasant dreams; Un-refreshing sleep, the patient awakening tired; excessive sleepiness, patient falling asleep in the daytime; shivery sensation across lower spinal region; burning sensations in face, hands etc; epileptiform tic; typhoid state; paralysis; chronic fatigue; honor of noises; morbid introspection; perverted moral feelings; melancholia, mania, loss of memory; difficulty of mental concentration; imbecility; insanity; delirium, coma.

Degenerative changes in the eyes; inflammation of the lens; inflammation of the optic nerve; hardening of the lens; sclerotitis; iritis; iridocyclitis; cataract; recurrent haemorrhage in the haemorrhage in the retina; eye dull and heavy.

Formation of wrinkles; thin, inelastic, starchy skin; pigmentation's of the skin - yellow, brown, slate-black, blue; muddy complexion, offensive secretion from the skin of flexures; thickening of the skin of the back of the hand - sores and boils; pemphigus; pruritus, herpes; eczema; dermatitis; lupus erythemarosus; acne rosacrea; cold, clammy extremities; dark circles under the eyes; seborrhea; psoriasis; pityriasis; alopecia, lichen; planus; jaundice; "An infinitesimal amount of poison may suffice to cause skin emption".

Degeneration of the muscles; "Muscles waste and become soft and in advanced cases tear easily. In young life the muscular debility produces the deformities which are called dorsal excurvation, or round shoulders, lateral curvature, flat-foot, and knock-knee". Weakness of abdominal muscles causes accumulation of faeces in the pelvic colon, which renders evacuation of contents more and more difficult. Prominence of bones; rheumatic pains simulating sciatica and lumbago; various muscular pains; muscular rheumatism; arthritis deformities; synavitis; rickets; arthritis, acute and chronic. Tubercle, and rheumatoid arthritis are the direct result of intestinal intoxication. Dr Lane says: "I do not believe it is possible for either of these diseases to obtain a foothold except in the presence of stasis."

Various displacements, distortion and disease of the uterus; change in the whole forms contour of women; fibrosis of breast; WastiIlg of breasts; induration of breasts; sub-acute and chronic mastitis; cancer of breast; meTritis and endomestritis; infection of bladder especially in women; frequent urination albmnosuria; acute nephritis; movable kidney; floating kidney. Dr Lane goes so far as to say: "Autointoxication plays so large a part in the development of disease of the female genito-urinary apparatus, that it may be regarded by the gynaecologist as a product of intestinal stasis."

Degeneration of the organs of elimination, especially the liver, kidneys (Bright's disease) and spleen; pernicious anaemia; lowered resistance to infection of all kind; premature senile decay; retardation of growth in children, accompanied by mental irritability and muscular fatigue; adenoids, enlarged tonsils; scurvy; enlarged thyroid (goitre); various tumours and thyroid; Raynaud's disease. In those who apparently suffer no harm from constipation during a long series of years there is perhaps, as suggested by Hertz, a partial immunity established. The writer has long believed that such an immunity is sometimes established in the very obstinate constipation which accompanies absolute fasting, because of the cleansing of the tongue and re-appearance of appetite which often occurs at the end of the second or third week of the fast, a phenomenon very like that which appears in typhoid fever and other continued fevers. It must be supposed, however, that even the establishment or so-called immunity lnsures the body against all injury. The labour of eliminating an enormous amount of virulent toxins, which falls upon the kidneys, damages the renal tissues and produces premature failure of these essential organs. Any process which develops toxins within the body is a menace to the life of the tissues and should be suppressed as far as possible, and as quickly as possible.

The fact that symptoms of poisoning resulting from constipation do not appear at once is no evidence that injury is not done. Dr William Hunter in the course of the London discussion remarked that the fact that chronic constipation "might exist in certain individuals as an almost permanent condition without apparently causing ill health is due solely to the power and protective action of the liver. It is not any evidence of the comparative harmlessness of constipation per se, but only an evidence that some individuals possess the caecum and the colon of any ox, with the liver of a pig, capable of doing any amount of distoxification." In the face of such an array of evidence backed up by authority of nearly 60 eminent English physicians - and many hundreds of other English, US, German and French physicians whose names might be added - it is no longer possible to ignore the importance of alimentary toxaemia or autointoxication as a fact in the production of disease. To no other single cause is it possible to attribute one-tenth as many various and widely diverse disorders. It may be said that almost every chronic disease known is directly or indirectly due to the influence of bacterial poisons absorbed from the intestine. The colon may be justly looked upon as a veritable Pandora's box, out of which come more human misery and suffering, mental and moral as well as physical than from any other know source.

The colon is a sewage system but by neglect and abuse it becomes a cesspool. When it is clean and normal we are well and happy; let it stagnate, and it will distill the poisons of decay, fermentation and putrefaction into the blood, poisoning the brain and nervous system so that we become mentally depressed and irritable; it will poison the heart so that we are weak and listless; poisons the lungs so that the breath is foul; poisons the digestive organs so that we are distressed and bloated; and poisons the blood so that the skin is sallow and unhealthy. In short, every organ of the body is poisoned and we age prematurely, look and feel old, the joints are stiff and painful, neuritis, dull eyes and a sluggish brain overtake us; the pleasure of living is gone.

To reverse this condition requires a change in diet, exercise and cleansing procedures. One of the easiest and quickest ways has been found in using colon hydrotherapy. This is accomplished by inserting a speculum in the bowel with an inlet and outlet attachment. Water can therefore be instilled and removed at will. This cleanses and exercises the colon and dislodges old waste and gas, giving a light, healthy feeling internally.

A new study by University of San Francisco medical researchers has revived a turn-of-the-century idea that substances produced in the bowel can have damaging health effects. The study's findings also support recent suggestions of a link between a diet high in fat and low in fibre and an increasing risk of developing breast cancer.

The study of 1,481 non-nursing women showed that those who are severely constipated tend to have abnormal cells in the fluid extracted from their breasts. Such cells have been found in woman with breast cancer and, the researchers suggested, may indicate that the women face an increased risk of developing cancer. The cellular abnormalities occurred five times as often in women who moved their bowels fewer than three times a week than in woman who did so more than once a day. Chronic constipation is often the result of a diet high in protein, fat and refined carbohydrates (sugars and refined flour) but low in the fibrous foods as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Most of us experience varying degrees of constipation and digestive difficulties. Using water to cleanse the colon has been practised for thousands of years by holy men in India and has always been, part, of European nature cure. Not only does it detoxify the colon, tile whole body can benefit. Often skin clears, digestion improves, energy increases, headaches go and the brain functions better. Such benefits are often reported, but as far as we know they have not been studied before.
The putrefactive micro-organisms we all have in the Colon produce significant amounts of toxic compounds. These poisons include. hydrogen sulphide (bad egg smell), ammonia, histamine, phenol and p-cresol, and some awful-sounding substances like cadaverine, putrescine and skatole;, They have ,a direct toxic effect on the gut wall, but they also reach other parts of the body if absorbed. The liver cannot detoxify some of them and they may be excreated in urine or sweat. Constipation prolongs the stay ,of waste in the colon and increases the production and absorption of toxins.

A trial conducted at the University of Kuopio in Finland and published in Experimental Clinical Gastroentero!ogy studied the effect of one week continuous and four successive three day colonic hydrotherapies. Toxcity was tested by measuring two common toxins in the urine (phetiol and
p-cresol), plus three enzymes which are involved in the release of toxins: beta-glucuroludase, nitroreductase and urease.

After daily colon hydrotherapies for one week, the toxic indicators were all significantly lower. They remained lowered two weeks after the therapy. When the colon hydrotherapy was repeated in three day sequences, daily urinary output of p-cresol showed a statistically significant decrease.. .

Other good effects reported included an increase in frequency and softening of the stool, alleviation of haemorrhoids and headaches.

Faecal Enzyme Activities, Gut Function and Urinary Phenols,
Effect of Repeated Daily Colonic Hydrotherapy.
By: W H Ling, A. Ariyasheed, O. Hanninen.


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